Sunday, September 1, 2013

About and around curating at 6th ArsKozara - photo report

During 6th ArsKozara, autors of the projekta Kustosiranje / About and around curating organised a presentation of the project, discussion and workshop for art colony participants.

The focus of the presentation was on exhibiton projects realised during Season #03 (January - June 2013): About and around curating / Kustosiranje: 7x3 (part of About and around curating academic course, Art space U10), We are waiting for you (About and around curating: Spring exhibition project in DOB 2013, gallery of Dom omladine Beograd youth center) and About and around curating: Thrill in movement (Mikser festival 2013).

Also, a part of the presentation was focused on mapping the main problems and challenges facing Serbian contemporary art scene, as funding, sectors collaboration, and audience, among others. The goal was to raise discussion about having constructive suggestions and solutions initiated by individuals and organisations, as reaction.

The workshop was targeted towards examining curator-artist professional  relation, emphasising direct communication as key factor for successful collaboration. 

And artists were working on everyday basis...

TV report made by Radio Television of Republika Srpska (RTVRS) on 30.08.2013 about 6th ArsKozara (in Serbian):

Promotional video and announcement for 6th ArsKozara:
