Thursday, October 23, 2014

Do you know what we were doing this summer?

If you were somewhere in the Balkans this summer, we'd agree that it was... pretty unsummer-ish, to say it mildly. 
We hope that you you managed to take some creative rest and that you're ready for autumn's challenges. We are, as always.

This is what we have been doing, chronologically:
  • We were part of the organizational team of Mangelos 2014. award (Young Visual Artists Award in Serbia) together with Independent artistic association REMONT and had a lot of activities to prepare for this and for next year too. Most of it wasn't so visible, but here are the actions that were...
  • About and around curating #28 was focused towards the Mangelos award itself as means to support the contemporary art in Serbia, from it's very start till nowadays (guests Branislav Dimitrijević and Maja Ćirić, Belgrade Youth center).
  • We had a lecture for art history students at Novi Sad's Academy of art, by call from docent Dr Dijana Metlić.
  • As members of CIN (Cultural Innovators Network, Goethe Institut network in the Mediterranean) we were in Berlin.
  • About and around curating #31 was dedicated to this year's Ars Kozara: art in nature laboratory in The museum of contemporary art of Republika Srpska in Banja Luka (MSURS).
For forthcoming regional and international events we'll keep you posted. 

After almost two years of work, as co-organizers, we are announcing an art festival in Algiers, as part of biennial DJART

Afterwards, we will take part in conference in Kaunas (Lithuania) and a short edition of our academic course for students of Department of Art management of Kaunas faculty of Humanities, by call from Prof. Dr Raminta Pučėtaitė.

And yes - new challenges are on the way :)

Andrej and Srđan

About and around curating #31: Ars Kozara in The museum of contemporary art in Banja Luka